Will Walmart deliver right to your door?
Will Walmart deliver right to your door?
Uber and Lyft: not just for rides and takeout anymore. Walmart is piloting a last-mile delivery service utilizing services Uber, Lyft, and Deliv.
Testing is expected to take place in select cities within the next two weeks, according to a release. The company is working with Uber in Phoenix and Lyft in Denver, while a Sam’s Club pilot with Deliv delivering general merchandise and groceries for business members in Miami began in March.
To use the service, customers place their grocery order online and select a delivery window. A “highly-trained” Walmart associate, or personal shopper, gathers the items in the order and then requests a driver. The driver comes to the store, picks up the order, and delivers it directly to the customer.
The service costs the standard $7 to $10 delivery charge for online orders, and customers do not need to pay the driver. Additionally, the customers will be notified so that they can expect their groceries from the Uber or Lyft when it arrives.
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